

In accordance with Spain’s Law on Information-Society Services and e-Commerce, you are informed that IBIZAOHLALA.com, referred to hereinafter as the Website or the Portal, is owned Jose Francisco Mari Reina, (hereinafter referred to as “IBIZAOHLALA”), registered at Xarraca, nº 1 2º 1ª, Ibiza – 07800, and whose Tax Code is 41461368G.


The current Legal Notice, along with the Terms of Service, are the only conditions applicable to the use of the services provided by IBIZAOHLALA on its Website. Personal data facilitated by the User to use or access said services shall be treated in accordance with the terms described in the Privacy Policy.
The use of this Website signifies the acceptance and full compliance as a User of the current Legal Notice, the Terms of Service, the Privacy Policy and any other specific instructions or recommendations.
Access to the Website is free, but the User will bear the costs to access and use the Internet in accordance with the terms and conditions laid down by his Internet provider.
IBIZAOHLALA reserves the right to modify or update, at any time and without prior notice, our Website and its content, layout and settings—including the Legal Notice and the Terms of Service—which is why we recommend the Users read them carefully before browsing the Website.
The User undertakes to abstain from using the Website for illicit, prohibited or improper purposes, and not to act in a way that might harm the image, interests or rights of IBIZAOHLALA or any third parties. Furthermore, the User abides to access the Portal and use its content and services in a diligent, correct and licit manner. The User undertakes to abstain from removing, withdrawing or manipulating any notes, legends, indications or symbols which the legitimate owners of the rights may incorporate in the Website in matters concerning intellectual or industrial property, as well as the technical data protection or identification systems which may be contained in it. The User undertakes not to damage, render useless, or overload the Website, or impede normal utilisation or enjoyment of the same by other users.
Should the User fail to comply with the Terms of Service or the conditions set by the Legal Notice, or if there’s a reasonable suspicion that that may be the case, IBIZAOHLALA reserves the right to restrict, suspend or terminate the User’s access to the Website, by any means necessary. Likewise, IBIZAOHLALA reserves the right to restrict, suspend or terminate the User’s access to the Website, by any means necessary. Likewise, IBIZAOHLALA reserves the right to discontinue, at any time, the services provided on our Website.


All intellectual property rights to this Website, its format (including the sui generis right for databases), graphic design (look & feel), distinctive signs (logos and commercial brands), underlying computer programmes and sourcecode, and any other identifying or characteristic elements making up the Portal (text, graphics, pictures, videos, etc.) are either held by IBIZAOHLALA or have been licensed to us to that effect. As such, they are protected by the legal code in force for intellectual and industrial property.
Access to this Website under no circumstances means acquisition by Users of any property right over the Portal, or the content and distinctive signs included therein. Reproducing, changing, distributing, providing, extracting or reusing the Website, its content and/or its distinctive signs is thus expressly prohibited, except when provided by law.
Reproducing the content of the Website for profit or commercial purposes is strictly forbidden.


The User acknowledges and accepts that his or her use of this Website and services will be at his sole risk. IBIZAOHLALA shall not be liable for the improper use of the Portal and will only take responsibility in cases of wilful or negligent The User acknowledges and accepts that his or her use of this Website and services will be at his sole risk. IBIZAOHLALA shall not be liable for the improper use of the Portal and will only take responsibility in cases of wilful or negligent misconduct on our part.
IBIZAOHLALA disclaims all liability for:
Content from third parties linked on its Website (see section 5).
Damage to the User’s computer arising from a computer virus, worm, Trojan horse or any other malware. The User acknowledges that by using the Internet his computer may be infected by the aforementioned elements. It’s the User’s responsibility to keep the tools necessary to detect and remove said malware.
Damage of any kind that results in the suspension, cancellation or interruption of service owing to the stability of the network. The User acknowledges that access to the Portal depends on the services provided by third parties outside the control of IBIZAOHLALA (e.g. Internet providers) and, as such, we are not responsible for the reliability, quality, stability and proper functioning of said services.


The Website makes links that permit access to websites and portals owned by other entities available to the User. In this instance, IBIZAOHLALA acts as an intermediary in accordance with Article 17 of Spain’s Law on Information-Society Services and e-Commerce, and will only be held liable for the content and services provided on the linked Websites when it does not exercise due diligence in taking down a link after becoming aware of its illicit or fraudulent nature. If the User considers that a linked Website features illicit or fraudulent content, it should be reported to IBIZAOHLALA by email to nuria@ibizaohlala.com. Under no circumstance said report will imply the obligation to take down a link.

The presence of linked Websites does not imply that IBIZAOHLALA is aware of the services and content they provide—whatever their nature may be—nor does it necessarily mean that it cooperates with the website holders. It does not represent a recommendation, promotion, involvement or agreement with the statements, content or services provided by the linked websites. Therefore, IBIZAOHLALA is not liable for the content on the linked websites, their terms of service or confidentiality policies. The User is solely responsible for reading and accepting them in every instance.
The User and any other natural or legal person that intends to link to our Portal must seek permission in writing from IBIZAOHLALA. Such link shall not imply the existence of a relationship between IBIZAOHLALA and the holder of the website that features the link, or the approval from IBIZAOHLALA of its content and services.

At any rate, IBIZAOHLALA reserves the right to remove or disable any link to the Portal, especially when the website linking to IBIZAOHLALA features illicit or fraudulent content.


IBIZAOHLALA uses cookies to make browsing easier and safer, and to verify the User’s identity. Cookies are files installed in the User’s computer hard drive or browser memory that allow the Website to identify him.
The User may disable cookies, but doing so may affect the Website’s functionality and even prevent access to some of the services provided.


The Laws of the Kingdom of Spain govern the use of this Website. By simply browsing and using the functionalities of the Website, the User agrees that any claim or dispute between the User and IBIZAOHLALA shall be subject to Spanish law and the parties hereby submit to the competent courts and tribunals of the Kingdom of Spain.
If any part of this Legal Notice is held invalid or unenforceable, that portion shall be removed and replaced. The invalidity of one of the clauses shall not affect the remaining portions of this Legal Notice.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]